Home Research Coaching Surveys Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

43 min read
Executive Coaching Survey

How Is Coaching Used?

There is no doubt that coaching helps people. Almost every HR and business leader we surveyed sees real value in coaching. An Australian coach sees oportunity: “The turbulent and ambiguous nature of the world of work today creates a real opportunity for clients and coaches to work together to create more sustainable and fulfilling work places.”

A leading university educator in coaching says: “Coaching helps people in three ways: First, no-one gets listened to. A coach allows leaders to reflect about their decisions, and about themselves. Second, people usually avoid difficult truths. Coaching brings reality front and center. Third, people don’t know how to change. A coach can guide a client to find replacements for behavior that’s not working.”

Coaching is most often used to help emerging leaders get better at their role. Over six years’ time, the amount of coaching used to solve a specific problem has dropped by a third.

When is coaching most often used? 2011 Sherpa survey responses:

When is coaching most often used?

People who receive coaching are happy, as well. Companies who use anecdotal evidence to determine the value of coaching are just as likely to continue coaching programs as those who formally measure return on investment.

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