Home Tools and Applications Executive Presence Human Social Networking: Necessity or Choice?

Human Social Networking: Necessity or Choice?

4 min read

Nowadays, someone who is looking for an advice, a job or an experienced doctor, consults his/her friends and acquaintances. An important role, in practicing human social networking, plays the reputation we built as individuals and as members of different groups, but also in our entire professional and social circle, from where we can look for significant help or just simple information.

People who know us we know them, widely constitute our social network. So when we refer to human social networking, we literally mean: “Knowing the right person in the right place”. Human social networking has been criticized and sometimes the term has been misinterpreted as something “bad” or not political correct as an activity. That is exactly why I must mention here that the term social networking in bibliography has no opportunistic meaning at all. On the contrary, it is related directly to giving and taking, to being useful to people as much as we can be useful to them as well. Nowadays that social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin help even more in the creation of social networks, the process is more exciting, but not as exciting as the everyday human contact -given that no matter how much technology evolves, human relationships and trust are undoubtedly built through interpersonal contact and not only via computers.

I would say that a combination of those two can always be more efficient, considering that interpersonal connection, as well as, digital connection can work complementarily for the best result of the person, who is a social networker. Let’s not forget that building a social network entails the ongoing building of mutual and beneficial relationships that begin long before we happen to need the help of the people in our network!

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