The basic principles of social networking are:
• Social networking does not have a beginning or an ending. It is a continuous process, which is cultivated gradually and in order for it to be characterized as “successful”, it should never pause.
• The process of social networking relates to authentic relationships between humans; to the building of mutually beneficial trust, as well as, to the fact that we can be useful to each other. It is what was successfully said by Cuba Gooding Jr. in the “Jerry Maguire” movie, “Help me, help you”!
• Our participation in different groups helps us build our own social network and give us at the same time the opportunity to meet people we would probably never meet under different circumstances.
• We can also volunteer in different groups that express our life goals. Having a common vision always helps people bond.
• When being in a group of people, where you want them to show they’re interested in you and you are also interested to be a part of the group, use open questions (questions that start with the words: who, what, when, how, opposed to questions that can be answered simply with a yes or no). Your purpose is to start a conversation and give to the other person the chance to express his/her views.
• When someone recommends you to his acquaintances, when you seek advice or you want to close a deal, it is important to act immediately because at the particular moment you not only represent yourself, but also the person who introduced you. Thank both sides for their time and their intention to help you. No one is obligated to do anything for us. It may sound harsh but it is important to be grateful and to appreciate the help given to us.
• Never communicate with someone if you are not clear about the reason you are approaching with him or about what you want from that person. When asking for something you must be precise and try to make your participant visualize what exactly you ask from him/her. If you can’t do it, they will not do it for you.
• Build your reputation so that your social circle can see you as a possible source for finding information. When others think of you as a reliable source to seek information, ideas, recommendations or even your opinion, it means that you are always on their mind and in a positive way.
• Furthermore, know that in the above process, it is not enough to just be yourself, as many people claim… the point is that you must …Be the Best of Yourself!
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