Q: What do assessments have to do with leadership efficacy?
Shreya Sarkar-Barney ∙ Science in this space is extensive. Personality relates to (which has elements of character e.g. integrity) about 19% of leadership effectiveness and about 30% of leader emergence.
Q: Should High Achievers be identified only though assessments?
Tricia Nadoff ∙ Selecting high achievers is a very complex endeavor subject to a great deal of bias and subjectivity. While assessments can help reduce biases and subjectivity, they cannot be a full replacement for objective observations of past performance, cultural fit, and an individual’s interest in future growth. No assessment, no matter how well constructed, is universally infallible, and so while a well-constructed assessment can, and should be, a vital part of identifying individuals with high potential and/or high achievement, they should not be the lone or single factor in the determination.
Sharon Birkman ∙ No, an assessment – any assessment – is only that. There are too many other pieces of necessary information to consider for a determination of who is or will be a high achiever.
Shreya Sarkar-Barney ∙ Ideally, one should use what is called a multi-trait, multi-method approach to minimize errors in measurement and maximize prediction.
Barbara Singer ∙ High potential leaders can be identified more fairly using assessment data, performance ratings, financial results, third-party satisfaction measures, and employee engagement. No one measure is enough but coaching without data or an evidence-based approach can be dangerous. Great succession management employs more data and works hard to level the playing field for all people.
A leader’s ability to positively impact revenue is often measured in OIBTDA, Operating Income Before Taxes and Depreciation, and Amortization. We can use pre and post testing of valid 360° survey reports to see if leaders improve their behavior. We can gather anecdotal examples from stakeholders (bosses, peers, direct reports, and those outside of the organization) to demonstrate that the person has made positive change. We can also begin to measure increased self-awareness when we see a person’s own evaluation of them matching how others evaluate them. A Gestalt way of thinking helps a person take action faster in a way that can be seen and reported on by others around them.
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