Home Tools and Applications Health and Wellness What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

13 min read

Deep immunity entails integrating this foreign and uncomfortable X energy, otherwise it will remain active within our inner systems albeit being unconscious.

Sadly, most human conflicts (both interpersonal and internal) often end at phase 2, with no possible integration of the foreign X energy. In the context of the Covid-19 outbreak, this will mean we might come out mostly unchanged from the self-isolation, the social distancing and the lockdown measures.

For me, my X energy around procrastination is teaching me a lot about using my downtime to be creative, without beating myself up about it. It is showing me that new interesting ideas can actually emerge from idleness, and ultimately be pertinent insights for my work. Reverie is more welcomed. (for writing for instance…)

Another aspect of my current X energy, around judging folks whom I perceive to be non civic-minded, is teaching me a lot about putting myself more in service of others, and also lets me have insights about how important public service is.

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