Phase 2-Unrest
We are now deep in Phase 2 for an open-ended period of time, in open conflict with Covid-19 as acknowledged by many international leaders. On a global scale, we have indeed entered a war, a declared conflict with this external threat that is the Covid-19 virus.
Paradoxically, while Covid-19 has altered the shape of existing geopolitical tensions, by sometimes halting local conflicts, the UN now warns it may very well also threaten global peace and security.
At the individual level, Conflict work identifies 3 types of conflict: interpersonal conflict, conflict with “the world” and internal conflict.
The current outbreak has caused conflicts on all 3 fronts.
The forced isolation and lockdown can be difficult to live for some, sometimes even creating dramatic situations of domestic violence when trapped in an abusive or coercive relationship (interpersonal conflict).
In the media, on the internet, “researchers” as a whole, all “governments”, whole “countries” sometimes have been blamed for the outbreak by some commentators. The “tech” sector as a whole for instance has also been sometimes blindly targeted for its invasion of privacy when tracing cell phones , or hacking into our video conference calls (conflict with “the world”).
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