However, in a way, non-consensus reality has an equally strong impact on ourselves as consensus reality. The X energy can indeed sometimes feel very uncomfortable and alien right now in our daily lives.
Fear itself for instance is a strong pandemic and social media use has been helping to propagate it widely. Dealing with that fear individually and collectively is a first step in the right direction.
In a wider sense, we have largely lost a feeling of normalcy, of habitual connection, of confidence into the future. And we are grieving these losses. This feeling of collective grief in the air is both palpable and unusual.
For me, one aspect of the X energy the lockdown has caused revolves around procrastination, around my difficulty to manage time, between work and downtime. A strong inner critic easily comes to me about being the most productive with all the new unstructured time.
Another X energy component for me is a strong inner voice which critics others’ lack of civic-mindedness during this outbreak (a tyrant really…).
When this virus broke the edge between the animal kingdom and the human world (as is the case with all zoonoses), it forced us against an inner edge. In a way, we have been grounded in our homes, forced to do our inner work before we can collectively go on with our normal lives.
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