Some of our leader themselves must deal with this inner work of transformation to successfully tackle the current outbreak.
How can we process all these aspects of our current X energy?
Phase 3-Building deep immunity
Analysts and commentators are predicting a couple of scenarios to end the pandemic over the coming months. Economists are talking about L, U, V, W-shaped scenarios for an economic rebound and recovery. Most likely the endgame will entail alternating lockdowns, with populations allowed out of their homes in various sequences. Time spans though are still up in the air.
Whether through building herd immunity or possibly producing a vaccine, we might eventually develop a collective immunity against Covid-19. This is one of the most optimistic scenarios for the consensus reality of the outbreak.
At the non-consensual level, we will individually and collectively be dealing with our usual u energy and the new foreign X energy until both have been integrated with one another. That is phase 3 which I call developing deep immunity.
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