Key Learning Points
The ELS embraces a person-centered, relationship focused, skills-based practice with the client at the center and focal point of the coaching process from Explore to Apply. Positive assessment instruments and methods ensure the process is centered on the client from the very beginning. Along the way, personal goals requiring personal changes are identified by each client. Like most coaches, we share optimistic views of people, their motivations, needs, and their aspirations to achieve life and career effectiveness. People are highly capable of making positive changes, and developing skills and strategies to reframe change to a practical process to follow when they have a process to do so. We share the following EI-centric principles to illustrate key elements of the ELS for our transformative coaching theory and practice.
- Ultimate goal is happiness engendered through positive change.
- Client is capable of intelligent self-direction with skills related to the change desired.
- Change is constant and emotions are involved in every personal change.
- Emotional mind is the lead system in human behavior and especially related to change.
- People desire healthy, successful, productive outcomes in their life and career.
- Emotions as energy sources may be positive or negative. An important consideration for coaches.
- Constructive thinking is key to embody emotional connections to produce effective change.
- Emotional reactivity often leads to ineffective behaviors. Reflective dialogue and skills help.
- Coach provides support and protection as client learns and practices new behaviors.
- The coach-client relationship is a vehicle for positive personal change and development.
The emerging profession of coaching is clearly not a one size fits all solution. There are many talents, skills, and experiences that coaches use as frameworks for offering coaching services to meet the goals of individuals who seek coaching. There are many important reasons and connections for coaches working to address and assist clients achieve specific goals that are meaningful to them. As a growing profession, there are many applications and types of coaching. Some of these are provided as follows:
- Individual, group, team
- Supervisory, management
- Life and personal growth
- Business
- Executive
- Health, wellness, managing pressure
- Academic and work performance
- Relationship in families and teams
- Performance improvement
- Emotional intelligence
- Career and life