Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires J/EAQ: Job/Environmental Analysis Questionnaire

J/EAQ: Job/Environmental Analysis Questionnaire

12 min read

Assisting Score: __________

1 = No formal assistance. No consideration by any stakeholder groups in this organization of extent to which I can be of benefit to others in the organization and, and, more specifically, contribute to their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization

2 = Low level of formal enactment. Some discussion about but no formal assessment of nor planning for ways in which I can be of benefit to others in the organization and, more specifically, contribute to their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.

3 = Moderate level of formal enactment. Assessment of and even some planning for ways in which I can be of benefit to others in the organization and, more specifically, contribute to their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.

4 = High level of formal enactment. Assessment of and systematic planning for ways in which I can be of benefit to others in this organization and, more specifically, contribute significantly to their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.

5 = Very high level of formal enactment. Extensive assessment of and extensive planning for ways in which I can be of benefit to others in this organization and, more specifically, contribute critically to their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization

Encouragement (Intangible Influence): The indirect ways in which I can be a champion or ever-present “colleague” to others in the organization and, more specifically, encouraging their success in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization

Encouragement Score: __________

1 = No informal encouragement: No expression or even apparent consideration by any stakeholder group of ways in which I can be a champion or ever-present “colleague” to others in the organization and,

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