Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires J/EAQ: Job/Environmental Analysis Questionnaire

J/EAQ: Job/Environmental Analysis Questionnaire

12 min read

from elsewhere in the organization to me as a result of shared commitment to specific organizational values, vision and purposes as well as sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.

Investment Score: __________

1 = No formal investment: No consideration by any stakeholder groups in this organization regarding a voluntary contribution of resources from elsewhere in the organization to me in my job and no discussion regarding the extent to which there is shared commitment to specific organizational values, vision or purposes.

2 = Low level of formal investment. Some discussion about shared commitments, but no formal, voluntary contribution of resources from elsewhere in this organization to me in my job, and no recognition of ways in which I help to sustain the mission and contribute to the goals of this organization.

3 = Moderate level of formal investment. Some formal, tangible and voluntary contribution of resources from elsewhere in this organization to me in my job, based at least in part on shared commitment to specific organizational values, vision or purposes and recognition that my work is helping the organization sustain its mission and achieve its goals.

4 = High level of formal investment. Substantial voluntary contribution of resources from elsewhere in the organization to me in my job, based on a clearly articulated sense that there is a shared commitment to specific organizational values, vision and/or purposes and that my work is important to the organization in sustaining its mission and achieving its goals.

5 = Very high level of formal investment. Extensive voluntary contribution of resources from many sources elsewhere in this organization to the Project Team that is directly related to clearly articulated and shared sense of organizational values, vision and purposes., with people in this organization being willing to give whatever they have and to even sacrifice whatever it takes to make my work successfully performed in sustaining the mission of this organization and achieving its goals.

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