Home Research Case Studies Establishing Core Values & Core Purposes of the Corporate Social Responsibility: Coaching in Financial Sector

Establishing Core Values & Core Purposes of the Corporate Social Responsibility: Coaching in Financial Sector

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Sector: Finance
Assignment: Establishment of Core Values & Core Purpose of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Department and the application to future profitability.
Period: 2005


An International Banking organisation, based in Scotland, looking at its internal hierarchy and potential internal & external future use of its CSR capabilities in the UK. This household name in the UK financial sector wished to review the values, working behaviours, & organisation attitudes to deliver acceleration in growth & performance of CSR activities following the secondment of a new senior manager to head the department.


• To establish with the CSR management team the core values & core purpose of the organisation’s CSR activities
• To align the workforce of several thousand behind the core values & with the core purposes of CSR to deliver increases in CSR project activity into local communities and at a National level
• To use the agreed values & core purpose to reinforce the organisation’s CSR market credentials & positioning, to facilitate discussion around internal & external CSR brand hierarchy, activities, partnering, financial reporting, & their application to future marketing campaigns
• To facilitate the use of core values, core purpose in CSR activities to assist with:
– The acceleration of new partnerships particularly at National levels
– The development of increased continuity in managing CSR activities across the diverse Group
– To increase market awareness of CSR activities, aimed particularly at the London Stock Market
– To consider how CSR activity over time could increase turnover & profitability including the creation of measurement frameworks linked to performance KPI’s
– To increase the profile of the brand through CSR partnerships & projects


Use of an values assessment instruments to assess commonality & alignments of values within the CSR management team & the wider workforce
• Workshops
• Feedback loops


Over a period of six months the organisation reached agreement on core values, core purpose, & developed a clear understanding of how their credentials could be immediately applied to the organisation’s CSR activities at management, procedural, brand, & partner relationship levels.

Selection of what areas of CSR to develop over time as lead brand performance change agents with appropriate strategies for delivery at corporate & community levels. The development of ‘triple bottom line’ reporting for the first time with the creation of a separate CSR and Environmental impact report (subsequently produced annually).
©Myron Partnership: 2009

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