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Stop Playing Safe by Margie Warrell – A Sample Chapter

29 min read

it’s not just about keeping up with the rate of change and the nature of the work we do, but how we do it and where.

When anyone can work from anywhere, it changes the nature of work everywhere.Traditional boundaries disappearing and the global talent pool becoming more skilled and mobile presents challenges for people in developed countries to adapt faster in order to simply stay competitive. There’s no two ways about it: your ability to adapt to change and proactively make changes in your career is what will make a crucial difference to where you find yourself even just five years from now.

Catalysts for career change

There are many reasons why people choose to change their jobs and careers. Being able to predict the changes you’ll make one or five years from now can help you prepare for them. Look at these key reasons for considering a job or career change and think about how relevant they are to you, or how they may become more relevant in the future.

  • Life changes.Your life has changed and the career you started out on isn’t compatible with your life today.This is something I’ve seen happen to people whose jobs require a lot of travel, or who are on call 24/7 or working family-unfriendly shifts. They usually end up in careers that offer greater flexibility, enabling them to honour the commitments and values in other areas of their life outside the workplace.
  • Maturing preferences. We’re often expected to make career choices in our late teens and early 20s, even though it’s often not until we reach our 30s that our preferences really solidify. By then many people feel so invested in a particular career path that changing it seems too costly. But it’s important to be honest with yourself about the cost of not changing too, and why. While you once loved going to work and enjoyed the challenges and responsibilities of your job, you no longer do. Perhaps your work no longer challenges you as it once did, taking the reward out of it. Or perhaps it simply doesn’t interest or energise you any more.As we age and evolve so too do our preferences.
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