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A Sample Chapter of Thriving Work: Source

9 min read

(several worksheets can be accessed by downloading the entire chapter using the red button at the bottom of the page)

Whole and Resourceful Creator

I am the whole and resourceful Creator at the center of my life.

I stand tall, owning my divinity,

Allowing my Light to shine,

Burning away fear and self-consciousness now.

I am the whole and resourceful creator at the center of my life.

I stand tall, owning my specific, unique gifts

that I alone am here to contribute.

I am the whole and resourceful creator at the center of my life.

I stand tall, owning the overflowing fullness of my abundance.

I am abundance.

I am the whole and resourceful creator at the center of my life.

I stand tall, owning the boundless love of my being.

I am love.

I am the whole and resourceful creator at the center of my life.

I stand tall, owning all that I am,

A divine aspect of All That Is.

I am the whole and resourceful creator at the center of my life.

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