
7 min read

The water had started to chop and waves were crashing against the hulls, creating a mist that made everyone onboard feel akin to the darkening grey clouds above.

“How do the people live on this island?” the representative asked. “Could it be a new home for us?”

Tesuke was waiting for this question. “I‘ve seen this island before,” he said. “Its called Anarchy.” Clearly scared, the passengers whispered and worried about what might be on the island.

“There is no way around it,” said Tesuke, “but you do not have to get off the boat.” As the wind pushed the catamaran toward the island, the passengers saw what Tesuke meant by no way around – the mountainous center of the island was enormous, surrounded by miles and miles of beach, wrapping in a crescent towards the sea and reaching past the horizon. By the time the island’s shores came into view the sun was setting and small lights began to appear across the beaches and cliffs ahead.

“Many people live there,” said Tesuke, “and there is room to live freely. They don’t have rulers, but if you can rule yourself you might be happy here.”

“That’s what I want,” said the representative, “but I need to do what all my people agree is best.” Tesuke knew what would happen, but simply said, “The only way to islands beyond is across the wide beach, when the tide comes in. It will happen tomorrow morning, so you have until then to decide.”

During the night the lights ashore grew and Tesuke could see the way that some clustered together and others flickered on their own, isolated in the growing darkness. Some lights would move and meet, and some would disappear with no warning. Often noises would echo out across the water to where the Catamaran drifted, though very few onboard were awake all night to hear them.

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