Home Concepts Ethics Coaching for The Greater Good

Coaching for The Greater Good

13 min read

The next five documents all contained recorded interviews. In each case, those being interviewed are dedicated to coaching for the greater good and have provided services related to all four roles of generativity.

Ruth Ann Harnisch: Coaching for the Greater Good

Ruth Ann Harnisch is one of the legendary stewards of the professional coaching field. In many important ways, this field would not be what it is today without the leadership and thoughtful support provided by Ruth Ann and The Harnisch Foundation. Ruth Ann suggests that any one of our coaching clients can have a major, positive impact on the world in which they live. As a coach, it is our role to be an open and appreciative partner to our client. This sometime means that we must be direct and honest with our clients in challenging their own assumptions and perspectives about the world in which they live and work. As citizens of a troubled 21st Century world, we are all traumatized by the polarizing, threatening and seemingly overwhelming challenges we face. As coaches, we can be there for our clients to help them engage this troubled world with courage and decency.

Don Maruska: Coaching on Behalf of the Environment

The complex environmental issues we are facing (including those related to climate change) are tightly interwoven with the other major societal challenges we are facing, for those who are most profoundly impacted by environmental degradation are those who are poor, marginalized and discriminated against. It is through coaching that we can enhance our response to what needs to be done in our communities—and in our world. As a coach, Don is not an expert on the environment, but I do know something about how to boost and amplify what people are already doing on behalf of the environment.

Nancy Strojny: Mentoring for the Greater Good

Nancy has for many years been a leader of the remarkable chapter of SCORE that is located in Portland, Maine. This chapter won the award as best SCORE chapter in the United States in 2019 and Nancy has played a key role in making this volunteer organization provide services for the greater good to members of the Portland community–especially small businesses. Ms. Strojny speaks about mentoring of individuals, mentoring and training of other SCORE mentors, honoring and celebrating the contributions made by SCORE mentors in the Portland community and envisioning the sharing of SCORE experiences and expertise with other organizations inside and outside the United States — all for the greater good.

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