Fourth, what experiences within the organization have given you the most meaning and satisfaction?
The most meaning and satisfaction has come from seeing improvement in board relationships, organizing and running successful events, and believing in the organization and it’s purpose..
10. I want to ask you three additional questions about your civic involvements in our community:
First, what motivates or inspires you to engage in community activities and causes?
I really enjoy the comradery of working with people, and I get personal satisfaction from seeing a job/project completed.
Second, do you feel that you are sacrificing anything in your life by being deeply involved in our community’s civic organizations?
No, I have never felt that.
Third, what personal benefits do you get from your civic involvements?
Having fun and developing a broad social network where we are all part of the cause. If people are not having fun, they can send money! but that is not what motivates me.
11. One of the benefits of growing older is that we are increasingly able to reflect on our experiences and to learn from them. Have you found any patterns of personal behavior no longer useful in your leadership role? If so, what are these and how have you changed?
I no longer have to be in charge! but I still like being involved and keeping my finger in the pie. I enjoy influencing others to take the lead, which is sometimes difficult. It takes awhile because if someone is doing a job well, others are reluctant to step in. You have to bring people along so they feel that you are not the only one capable of doing the job. In fact, I had quite a successful volunteer organization going when I was with Foothill Theatre Company. I said, “Okay I have been doing this for three years and want someone else to take it on.” I couldn’t get anyone to do it. They said, “Well, we are involved in volunteering because of you.” So I had missed getting them dedicated to the cause, and I learned a lot from that. You have to keep reminding people what they are there for, to keep the cause going.
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