In which of the nine types of civic organizations on the list are you currently involved? Overall, how many total hours a month do you give to these organizations?
I am currently involved in four organizations. One is Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Another is the Friendly Visitor Program, where I visit an elderly gentleman once a week. A third is the local Hospital Board. Then there is the Lake Wildwood Association, which is a homeowner’s association group and where I have served on various committees. Overall, I spend about 30 hours a month on these activities, not including commuting time—which for me is not a trivial issue because I can’t go anywhere roundtrip from Wildwood in less than an hour.
8. What is the name of the one organization on the list in which you are most involved and committed?…Were you invited to become involved or did you approach the organization and volunteer your services? Are you paid or unpaid? On average, how many hours a month do you give to this organization?
The Board of Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, which is associated with Catholic Healthcare West Hospital System, is my top priority. I sought becoming a member, and in time I was invited to join the Board. This is my third year on the board, and I spend about 20 of my 30 hours with it. One of the reason so much of my time is with the hospital board is that I represent our local board on a CHW Board Committee which has quarterly meetings in San Francisco and sometimes out-of-state retreats. So every quarter I burn a minimum of 24 hours outside our community.
9. I’d like to learn more about your involvement in the organization by asking four questions:
First, describe the leadership role that you play within the organization.
My formal leadership roles these past three years have been to serve as the Board’s Strategic Planning Liaison and as Chair of the Board Development Committee. My informal leadership role has been to serve on the Finance Committee and Quality Committee and provide guidance on how these Committees can focus on the issues most important to Board Governance.
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