The other important achievement motivator is to care for the natural environment:
I’m motivated by my care for the planet and for the people I’m living with. I’m inspired by a desire to live the way we must – sustainably. This involves having a global understanding and being consciousness while acting and investing locally.
I’m very excited and interested in creating sustainable communities. Nevada County is a wonderful Petri dish. We’ve done work trying to create a sustainable economy and creating sustainable agriculture. What about sustainable social systems? There’s lots of possibility here.
The second greatest motivator for emerging sage leaders is altruism. This is expressed in three principal ways: seeking to help others, wanting to “give back,” and pursuing social justice:
I have dedicated most of my professional life to serving the poor… Much of this comes from my spiritual and philosophical beliefs. I believe in the power and importance of civic engagement, which is absolutely essential for the creation and maintenance of a healthy community.
I think my mother’s example is huge. It was made abundantly clear to me from the beginning that I was very lucky, and with that came some burdens. My family, schools, and community reinforced that I have been blessed and need to pass those gifts on. Another source of motivation and inspiration is my religion. There’s a hymn that we sing, “We’ll build a world…” It’s about making a difference, about making this world we live in the best that it can be.
Mostly it is when I encounter injustice, when someone with power or money thinks they can do something without the acclimation or acceptance of the community. Another motivator is when I think there is a realistic possibility to defeat an injustice, that you can beat people at their own game and help make things better for our community and world.
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