There is a third motivator for emerging sage leaders:
It’s not “civic life” that motivates me. Rather, it’s when people get engaged to do something positive that I’m inspired to participate. I want a seat at the table because I like to see something positive resulting from people coming together in common cause.
It really is about personal satisfaction and relationships. Outside of myself, this would especially include my kids. There is so much satisfaction in living in a community like this that values wellness, relationships, and quality of life. And we have great things being accomplished by extraordinary people, for example our two dynamic young women mayors.
And there is the motivation of person power:
I enjoy the process and the negotiations that take place in attempting to come away with a good solution. Part of this has to do with my ego, for I enjoy being in the limelight and receiving compliments from people for what I do.
What is the Motivation I: It is Not About the Money
It is not all about money for emerging sage leaders. It is much more about giving back to the community in which they have chosen to live, and in most instances raise a family. They talk about getting involved in the community and sharing exciting experiences with other emerging sages. They discovered the Grass Valley and Nevada City community and now continue to create it, which fulfills their need for personal achievement and social connection. For them civic engagement is an escalating process: each experience is fulfilling and feeds the desire to do more. Further, in most instances the volunteer work being done correlates with the paid positions and responsibilities of emerging sages. A judge or educator, for instance, works with at-risk youth during “free” time.
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