Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Leadership Spectrum: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

The Leadership Spectrum: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

49 min read

Following are several sets of more specific probing questions to be posed regarding each of the three domains:

The Domain of intentions [The Desired state]

  • How would you know if you have been successful in this endeavor?
  • What would make you happy?
  • Who else has an investment in this project and what do they want to happen?
  • What would happen if you did not achieve this goal?
  • What would happen if you did achieve this goal?
  • What scares you most about not achieving this goal?
  • What scares you most about achieving this goal?

The Domain of information [Current state]

  • What are the most salient facts with regard to the circumstance in which you now find yourself?
  • What are the “facts” about which you are most uncertain at the present time? How could you check on the validity of these facts?
  • What are alternative ways in which you could interpret the meaning or implications of the facts that you do believe to be valid?

The Problem [gap between Current and Desired state]

  • How do you know that there is a problem here?
  • To what extent do other people see this as a problem? If they don’t, why don’t they?
  • How long has this problem existed? How big is it? Is there any pattern with regard to its increase or decrease in magnitude?
  • What are the primary cause(s) of the problem? What is different when the problem does and does not exist? What remains the same whether or not the problem exists?
  • Who benefits from the continuing existence of the problem? In what ways do you benefit (even indirectly) from the continuing existence of this problem?
  • What will you miss if and when this problem is resolved?
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