Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Leadership Spectrum: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

The Leadership Spectrum: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

49 min read

A Ruby Red Portrait

To engage these different perspectives, I offer the following portrait of the Ruby Red leader. The primary source of joy for someone with a Ruby Red orientation is the accomplishment of a goal. The primary source of energy comes from being able to accomplish something by oneself [autonomy] or with minimal collaboration (MBTI introversion). If necessary, the task is engaged with some forcefulness regarding the role to be played by other people (Schutz: control) (Enneagram: 8). The focus of attention for the Ruby Red is on the act of making a decision [MBTI judging]. A distinctive strength of the Ruby Red leader comes with the devoting of energy to getting the job done [Enneagram 3) and getting it done in the right way (Enneagram 1). A major concern of someone oriented to Ruby Red is appearing to be capable and successful [Enneagram 3]

The challenge for the Ruby Red is achieving a very ambitious goal (which is often set by an Azure Blue leader) and/or facing the caution and careful perspectives offered by those with a Golden Yellow orientation. The ultimate threat is being judged as a failure [Enneagram 3] This is where one’s image of self comes to play (which often leads the Ruby Red leader into a mixture of Enneagram 2, 3 and 4]

Ruby Red: Viewing Other Preferences

I am about to consider the other two primary perspectives and practices, but want my Ruby Red colleagues to offer a word about them first. Ruby Reds are strongly inclined to push for have a say about all sorts of matters, including their judgement about the Azure Blues and Golden Yellows. Let me first offer the Ruby Red view of those with an Azure Blue orientation: these people are Wishy/Washy. They are often “bleeding hearts” who spend all of their time healing or mourning the state of our world rather than helping to take action that will prevent the injury and improve our world. The Azure Blue leaders are inclined to be dreamers. They are asking us to look over our heads while we are trying to solve the problem (which is not to be found up in the sky or clouds).

Those with a Golden Yellow are viewed by the Ruby Reds as uninvolved. They are “bean counter” who sit back and count the casualties rather than find ways to prevent these casualties. While the Azure Blues are doing the healing, the Golden Yellows are keeping the statistics regarding how many patients have been admitted and how many healed. No one is trying to prevent the injury or illness. It is up to the Ruby Reds to take this preventative action. In short, those with a Ruby Red orientation are inclined to view analysis as a luxury when there is a crisis (and there always seems to be a crisis in the life of a Ruby Red). This is no time to sit back and gather data when we need to take action

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