Ruby Red
- Assertive/Clear
- Building Leadership Around Engagement/Accomplish- ment
- Best Working Environment: Strong Formal Accountability
Azure Blue
- Persuasive/Caring
- Building Leadership Around Interests/Purposes
- Best Working Environment: Strong, Supportive Culture
Golden Yellow
- Informative/Objective
- Building Leadership Around Expertise/Knowledge
- Best Working Environment: Strong Formal Operations
Viewing Other Preferences
Ruby Red Leaders
- Azure Blue
- Wishy/Washy: “Bleeding Heart”
- Dreamer: Looks Over Our Heads While We Are Trying Solve the Problem
- Golden Yellow
- Uninvolved: “Bean Counter”
- Analyst: Sits Back Planning When We Need to Take Action
Azure Blue Leaders
- Ruby Red
- Cruel: “Heartless”
- Blunderer: Moves Forward Without Knowing Which Direction in Which to Move
- Golden Yellow
- Indifferent: “Soulless”
- Calculator: Views Everything From the Perspective of Numbers
Golden Yellow Leaders
- Ruby Red
- Arrogant: “Bull in a China Shop”
- Ignorant: Moves Forward Without Knowing If Sufficient Resources Are Available
- Azure Blue
- Irrational: “Soft Hearted”
- Dreamer: Always Ignoring Reality and Thinking Only about the Future