Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read

Self- Reflection Questions

A coach might ask you the following questions. How would you respond?

• What makes you happiest? When were you happiest? How did you become happiest?
• What gives you peace of mind? What are your core beliefs? What best helps you feel creative?
• What brings vitality to your life? What’s your proudest achievement? In what situation do you feel most alive?
• Which areas of your life are neglected or overemphasized?
• What kind of process do you use to manage stressful situations?
• Are you progressing towards meaningful goals?
• When have you felt fulfilled?  What were you doing?  Who was there with you?
• When was the last time you experienced satisfaction in your work?  What did you do that brought you satisfaction?
• In what ways do you think you are contributing to the greater good of the people in your firm and your clients?
• How much is enough?
• What matters most?
• Is forgiveness a possibility?
• Are you maximizing your potential?
• Are you having fun ?
• Was there a time in your life when you felt most alive, creative, excited, successful, and enthusiastic?
• What do you most value about yourself?
• Deathbed exercise: if you were to imagine yourself in the future, lying in bed, living your final moments of this lifetime, and you looked back at your whole life to remember moments of happiness, which memories would come up?
• Since research shows that, after achieving ones goals (be it a personal, professional or financial one), ones level of happiness goes back to where it was before, what could you do to increase your happiness while you are pursuing these goals, based on your answers to the questions above?

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