Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read

____ 14. I am a perfectionist.

____ 15. I am uncomfortable with marketing and practice development.

____ 16. I feel that my work does not reflect my vision, mission, and values.

____ 17.  I have forgotten what motivated me to practice law in the first place.

____ 18.  I dislike most of my clients.

____ 19.  I am pessimistic about the future.

____ 20. I find it difficult to create a healthy work and life balance

____TOTAL SCORE   Add up your results and to find out what your
score means.

Total Points:

You are doing a great job attaining happiness. Congratulations! Executive Coaching may help you achieve even higher levels of fulfillment in life and work.

You are somewhat happy in your life and work. There is still room for improvement. You might benefit from taking a “Happiness is an Option for Lawyers” workshop. Consider executive coaching for lawyers to help you increase your level of happiness.

51-100 RED ALERT!
Unhappiness may be a serious problem for you. You might benefit from some happiness interventions. Don’t walk…RUN to a “Happiness is an Option for Lawyers” workshop. Strongly consider executive coaching for lawyers.

Hopefully, you feel this self-assessment quiz provided you with insight on how happy you are in your work and life.

© Copyright 2010 Dr. Maynard Brusman, All rights reserved.

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