The NeuroStroll™
The experimental intervention for these studies was the NeuroStroll™, which was designed after a thorough literature review of studies directly related to behavior change and goal attainment. Here, in brief, is the multi-model set of experiences corresponding to the acronym STROLL:
S = Sensing
The Sensing experience spotlighted the role senses play in moving individuals either toward or away from one’s goals and identified some sensory cues that can support the “moving toward” states. The Sensing segment focused on participants identifying specific colors/light, sounds, and body movement cues.
T = Thinking
The Thinking experience focused on the thinking patterns and values necessary to reach a goal. Participants identified negative thoughts that would derail them, values that empowered them, and worked through a technique to reframe their negative thoughts as they occurred.
R = Regulating
The Regulating experience highlighted the role of self-regulation and coregulation in achieving a goal. Participants practiced three exercises, including a self-regulating exercise, a co-regulating exercise, and a social field regulating exercise.
O = Orienting
The Orienting experience addressed the importance of the attitude or mindset needed to reach a goal. The Orienting exercises included work with a growth mindset, experimentation, and expanding one’s support system.
L = Lasting
The Lasting experience included mental contrasting, identifying obstacles to goals, and working through if-then implementation goals, using words and images.
L = Leading Yourself
This final experience provided time to review and integrate all the prior exercises and point toward the next steps. After a review using mind and body to promote memory and bring this new information into a full picture, a few essential change tools were shared, including neuroplasticity boosters, making written commitments to oneself, and generating self-compassion when inevitably going off track.
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