Home Research Evidence Based Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

Large-Scale Team Coaching Initiative Creates Sustainable Change

8 min read

DJ Mitsch, Barry Mitsch,
The Pyramid Resource Group Inc.
Lynn Hays, Haysmar Inc.

Teams drive productivity in any organization, yet traditional team building efforts provide only short-term boosts that are difficult to sustain. Team Advantage™, an innovative approach to team building that incorporates team coaching with business planning, has been found to produce measurable, sustainable
results in teams judged to be both high and low performing. Teams led by new managers also deliver measurable positive change.


Research conducted on 24 teams in a ten-month period showed the team coaching process yielded:
• an increase in employee engagement;
• an improvement in leadership behaviors determined to be mission critical; and
• sustained increase in both engagement and improved leadership behaviors.

Team Advantage is a process for team transformation that originated from a need for a more creative approach to planning and execution of business plans. Over the past 18 years, nearly 200 teams have experienced the positive impacts of a process that incorporates team building, communication, conflict resolution and business objectives into a game plan that is created by the team and facilitated by a professional coach.

Read more to learn about Team Advantage and the research demonstrating the effectiveness of the process.

Team Advantage is a comprehensive team development program that uses “coaching” as the key ingredient in its implementation. Coaching is used to foster leadership and growth in the team leader and also to promote team cohesiveness and plan execution. The program includes four phases and is conducted over a 16-24 week period, depending on the amount of time needed to coach and prepare the team leader.

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