Home Tools and Applications Career Coaching Looking for Work Abroad? 10 Steps to Conquer the Expat Job Search

Looking for Work Abroad? 10 Steps to Conquer the Expat Job Search

6 min read

7. Overcome the Challenge of Employers looking for Candidates with Local experience

From my experience with the expat job search, this has not really been a prominent problem. One of the best ways of dealing with this is to volunteer at companies in your related industry. Not only will you be adding immense value to yourself, but you’ll be building great credibility, and when a position does become available in Company X, they might just employ you. If you’re on a spousal visa, you also have the opportunity of engaging in freelance work.

8. Cope with the Stress Factor

Taking the stress factor out of the job search is easier said than done. But it’s important to keep your mind and body active and positive. Exercising regularly — a run in the park or doing yoga and engaging in your host country’s cultural activities — will work wonders for you.

Keep the company of positive people who support you; regular communication with family and friends abroad (via Skype, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.) will help maintain positive energy. And do reward yourself for the baby steps taken during your job search.

9. Look into Recruitment Agents / Attend Career Summits

Registering with recruitment professionals is one sure way of sharing your job search project. Work with the recruitment agents and not against them. Attending career summits/career fairs is another good way of putting yourself out there and increasing your chances of finding a job in a foreign country.

10. Secure Work Permits and Visa Regulations

The spouse of an expat in most cases is permitted to work under a spousal visa; otherwise make sure you’re not overstaying in a country or working without an employment visa (this is illegal). If changing jobs abroad, ensure that your work visa can either be transferred to the new employer or your new employer is providing you with an appointment letter and has indicated that your visa application is in process.

Expats following these steps will create a buzz and build visibility to showcase their abilities, skills and professional image and increase their chances of landing a job in any country. Good luck and happy travels!

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