Where, it’s also important to decide, just: ‘Who is the ‘Active Listener’?’
When asked, I often describe ‘Life Coaching’ as: [1]‘… a unique bridge-way to individual support that can be tailored on an individual basis, helping to maintain ‘your’ ongoing progression within the workplace, social interaction – or, even towards the achievement of a better work-home-life balance.’
This is the ‘stance’ I still continue to work by [it’s even included within my self-published Coaching Workbook], particularly: as, like so many other ‘Coaches’, I have found that an adaptable working ‘niche’ will often help to widen the ‘coaching: practice-work-load’ – and, not just at a local level, but on an international level too.
Now, that my own ‘coaching practice’ offers ‘targeted one-two-one language support’ to [both children and adults] who speak ‘ ‘English’ as their second or other language’, I often describe myself [whilst providing a series of ‘supportive’ connections, based on ‘motivational influences’] as a: ‘Teacher, Tutor and Coach’ too – but, not necessarily in the same working order.
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