more specifically, no indication of ways I might support their attempts to be successful in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization
2 = Low level of informal encouragement. Sporadic and isolated instances of ways in which I can serve as a champion or ever-present “colleague” to other people in this organization, as well as little indication by any stakeholders of ways in which I might support the attempts of others to be successful in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization
3 = Moderate level of informal encouragement. Fairly frequent and public instances of my serving as a champion or ever-present “colleague” to other people in this organization along with some suggestions by stakeholders of ways I might support the attempts by others to be successful in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.
4 = High level of informal encouragement. Widespread and readily documented instances of my serving as a champion or ever-present “colleague” to other people in this organization along with many suggestions by stakeholders of ways I might support the attempts by others to be successful in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.
5 = Very high level of informal encouragement. Powerful and even over-riding commitment of Project Team and members of Project Team to serving as champions and ever-present “colleagues” to other people in this organization, with members of this organization always being encouraged to offer “a helping hand” to others in this organization as they attempt to be successful in sustaining the mission and achieving the goals of this organization.
Supported [External Locus of Control] [Supply Element]
Supported Total Score: __________
Investment (Tangible Support): The unwavering, specific and voluntary contributions of resources
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