Engaging Excellence
Sanofi contracted the research, analysis and communications firm HAYSMAR, Inc., to develop and deliver organization-wide surveys of employee engagement before and after the launch of the coaching initiative. The results showed that significant improvements in company culture and competencies were universal. The overall engagement index climbed from 61.6 percent in 2012 to 90.4 percent in 2013, with every work group included in the survey reporting increased engagement.
Six competencies were identified and measured in both surveys:
• Self-awareness
• Communicate
• Commit to Customers
• Cooperate Transversely
• Act for Change
• Strive for Results
The scores for all six behaviors increased, and five of the six showed statistically positive improvement. The greatest improvement in a single question demonstrated that employees’ perception of leadership and an environment of openness and trust jumped from 43.9 to 87 percent, an increase of more than 43 percentage points. Meanwhile, tenor-of-survey comments showed substantial improvement. In 2012, only 14 out of 1,660 written comments were positive (0.8 percent), compared to 545 out of 966 comments (56.4 percent) the following year.
Improved positive scores in specific questions further reflected employees’ newfound sense of personal accountability, expanded confidence in adverse situations, greater awareness of daily performance and strengthened emphasis on collaboration.
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