Home Bookstore The Fork Model by Rudy Vandamme – A Sample Chapter

The Fork Model by Rudy Vandamme – A Sample Chapter

26 min read

Learn to see growth in self-guidance as part of your personal development.

If you notice that you are following patterns in the way you guide yourself, you can ask yourself whether they are connected to some personal theme of develop- ment. Self-guidance is not a necessary evil. It can be more than just a way to get results. Developing self-guidance is an opportunity to get a positive outlook on life. Advanced forms of self-guidance are spiritual exercises. They are a choice you can make.

How can you feed your personal development by learning self- guidance skills?

  • The fork model 2.6 Conclusion

    The Fork is a method for lasting development. It allows you to use a number of principles:

    1. There is no specific order to the tracks. They are equal to each other.
    2. Each track is necessary. None of them can be ignored.
    3. Development becomes lasting when tracks come together.
    4. Switching tracks will help you when you get stuck, and can make developmentmore lasting.

    From here on, the key is really getting to know each of the tracks, and learning to use methods that help you advance along each track. You will read all about this in the following four chapters. The final chapter will deal with guiding the develop- ment of others.

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