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A Sample Chapter of Thriving Work: Source

9 min read

…I will get resourceful and find/create the money.”

…I will make the time. You can count on me.”

…I was born ready to do this.”

Can you imagine how much better your life and business will become every day as you commit to expanding your awareness, recognizing the times you still live from a reactor mindset and making the shift to Creator right in that moment?

How would your life and business radically shift if you made a commitment to yourself right now to step consciously, with both feet, into the shoes of the powerful Creator who you truly are?

Daily practice: increasing your awareness of yourself as the source of your experience

Begin listening to your language. Do you hear yourself making excuses and blaming others or circumstances or do you take full responsibility for your choices? No judgment. You are listening to empower yourself, not berate yourself. Simply begin noticing.

Pay close attention especially when things don’t go as you planned. Do you hear yourself saying something to your friend like, “I was going to be here at 7 pm. But then the traffic was bad. And, I forgot I had to stop at the store…” Or, do you hear yourself taking full responsibility, “I said I would be here at 7 pm. I want to acknowledge that it’s 7:08. Is there anything you’d like from me for us to be clear?”

Pay close attention especially when you are considering some- thing new. Do you hear yourself saying something like, “I’d like to hire an assistant, but I can’t afford to right now.” Or, do you hear yourself taking full responsibility and creating what you desire,

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