Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World I: Patterns, Self-Organization and Illumination

Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World I: Patterns, Self-Organization and Illumination

71 min read

The Lens of Essence

With this introduction of Essence to be found in two forms, I wish to propose a model that portrays the fundamental way in which Essence operates. This portrayal centers on the function of Essence as a Lens that transformed the conditions of VUCA-Plus into forms and processes that not only lead to constructive engagement of the six conditions of VUCA-Plus but also lead to creation of a world of Essence that is learning-rich and life-affirming.

Four Facets in the Lens of Essence

While I am about to suggest specific strategies in which to engage that moves a VUCA-Plus conditions to a state of Essence, I wish to offer four basic questions that open the way to these transformative moves. These might be considered the four facets of the Lens of Essence.

Leading Part: How is this system governed?

The first facet from which one can view a VUCA-Plus world concerns the leading part of the system being viewed. This might be considered a leadership facet. An organizational perspective is taken which encourages a focus on the person, unit or dispersed function operating in a system that provides guidance and coordination. Our Polystatic baseline is often established in conjunction with identifying and being guided by this leading part.

While the leading part is often found in all sectors of an organization (or any system) when it is young, , this leading part is likely to be found in a specific sector of the system as an organization matures (Bergquist, 1993b). Leaders are identified and provided with both authority and responsibility. One can discover something about the singular Essence of a system by observing what those serving as leaders in this system say and do. One can also gain insights regarding this system’s Essence by observing the reactions of other members of the system to these words and actions. Given that polystatic baselines are often influenced by the leading part, members of an organization can be led astray if the leading part is inaccurate or biases in its portrayal of the world in which the organization is operating.

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