Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World I: Patterns, Self-Organization and Illumination

Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World I: Patterns, Self-Organization and Illumination

71 min read

Much of what John Krubski proposes is based on recent findings from such fields as neurobiology, behavioral economics, and the decisional sciences. I would add to what John has proposed by suggesting that the Essence of a system is to be found in the central operating principle and that the baseline is best established in alignment with this principle. Furthermore, the diverse challenges posed by VUCA-Plus can be effectively transformed into actionable items through the use of John’s 7-3-1 process. I would also suggest that the central operating principle is closely aligned with the leading part and statics of the system—which were established (at least in part) during the founding moments of this system. Taken together, these four facets constitute the Lens of Essence.

Having identified these four facets, I now turn to the specific strategies and tactics that can be deployed in using this Lens to extract and evolve Essence from the six conditions of VUCA-Plus—and to establish a viable and agile polystatic process.

From Volatility to Recognition of Patterns

In the white-water world, there is the “certainty” of rapid flow of the stream. But this rapid flow is not easily followed for it brings about frequent change. Volatility arises out of this rapidity of change. However, in the second segment of the white-water world we do find continuity and predictability that can offset the volatility. It is in the circular movement of water that repeated patterns emerge.

In the world away from the white water, we find similar cycles and patterns. These can be of great benefit in establishing polystatic baselines and predictions. There is a widely used statement regarding cyclical patterns. It takes several different forms. One is: “While history doesn’t repeat itself, historical events do tend to rhyme.” I might suggest several relevant adages and words often heard by those people who adjust the Lens of Essence to address the matter of cycles and patterns: “This too will occur again.” “Just wait. The opportunity will once again arise—just be patient.” “What can we learn from this event and from our strategy and tactics in addressing the challenge(s) associated with this event—for it will come again and we can be better prepared to address the challenge.” We will inevitably make mistakes; however, we can learn from our mistakes (as well as our successes) for things seems to repeat themselves.”

Appraising and Appreciating Patterns

Systems sustain certain patterns and replicate basic structures everywhere, while also ensuring that each subsystem is a bit different from other subsystems. Scientists suggest that viable systems are in dynamic equilibrium. Each viable system fits into a specific ecological niche and sustains a specific operational pattern that is compatible with (adapted to) this niche. The pattern is sustained and reinforced precisely because of this ongoing adaptive outcome.

The story doesn’t end here. No viable system is totally successful in adapting to its environmental niche. If it were totally successful, then it would dominate and literally take over the niche—leading eventually (and ironically) to its own demise. We see this poignantly and often tragically illustrated in the ways human beings have learned how to adapt with complete success to certain niches. We have “tamed” nature and in doing so have come to dominate specific environmental niches, which in turn has led to the extinction of certain species and to many environmental disruptions (such as climate instability).

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