The Importance of Breaking Free from the Ordinary
When we look back over history we can see that breaking free from our cultural beliefs is how we have evolved over the centuries. The cultural belief that a woman’s place was in the home oppressed half the population for many centuries. The cultural belief of the racial superiority of whites has oppressed many cultures for a long time as well. We have broken the shackles of many of these false and limiting beliefs, yet in all cultures still live under many delusions. It’s up to us to decide the direction we want our lives to go, individually and collectively.
I have yet to meet anyone who isn’t interested in finding and fulfilling their potential. Overcoming self-imposed limitations opens up your individual potential to do and be all that you can be. It increases your quality of life. The same is true of culture. Embracing racial and gender equality has opened up new directions for us as a culture and enriched many lives. When we shed ours false impressions we clear a path towards truth and a clear resonance of the soul.
The direction of a culture is driven by the people within it. It is the collective mind that counts. We the people, have the ability to change the direction and become more intentional in our collective cultural consciousness. We no longer need to expatriate to a different country to do this – diversity is all around us. All we need to do is to step out. All we need is an open mind; individually and collectively. We must be willing, to be open to changing our beliefs, to finding out where they might be flawed, and to always seek the truth. It is a journey of evolution for each of us. Seeing ourselves as change agents can become our contribution to the collective evolution of humanity.
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