Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Section One: Leadership Competencies

Section One: Leadership Competencies

12 min read


Best Practice 5 – Calibrator of Responsibility and Accountability™

Three essays are associated with this best practice, one focusing on the best practice itself and the other two providing concepts that complement this best practice, but also offer a somewhat different perspective.

Best Practice 5: Calibrator of Responsibility And Accountability™ (Being: Calibrator)

In this essay, the critical success skills associated with this best practice are identified, as are the BE attitudes that aligns with this practice. This essay concerns the ability to execute strategies well with implemented action plans, have vigilant awareness of progress towards goals, require peak performance with support and buy-in from all, have clear consistent accountabilities and follow through, and be aware of trends, adapt to change and recalibrate as necessary.

High Performance Teams

Is it possible to drive high performance in sales and profit way beyond industry averages and at the same time drive high engagement in the workplace? I know that the answer is yes and have experienced it. The reason this not happening everywhere is that a fundamental shift in the perception of leaders is necessary. This shift is from seeing profit as the goal to profit as the result of meaningful things done in fulfilling ways. Although this may sound improbable in the first place, the secret is found in corporate leaders becoming as fully responsible for Common Humanity in the workplace as they are for sustainable profit. It’s not about “either/or.” It’s about both at the same time. Being responsible for both is one thing. The art is in knowing when each of both aspects needs most attention.

Feedback Coaching

Organizations that subscribe to the systemic paradigm recognize the failings of this approach. They know that leaders working in an ever-changing complex system need a constant, ceaseless, regular flow of feedback if they are to be most effective. But feedback is hard to source unless everyone in the organization is comfortable asking for and receiving feedback, which is why some organizations seek to build feedback cultures. Some organizations see periodic feedback programs as a blocker toward enabling feedback cultures. If everyone knows that everyone else will be undertaking a 360 feedback exercise every year, it takes the onus off providing feedback on an ongoing basis, so goes the thinking.

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