Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Breaking Free: Bringing the Overview Effect to Work and Life

Breaking Free: Bringing the Overview Effect to Work and Life

20 min read

Some leaders and CEO’s demonstrate a kind of character that includes a capacity for self-reflection and an ability to see the whole of a system as greater than the sum of its parts.  This “Overview” way of being implies a seeking for understanding in almost any circumstance.  It calls for control of emotions so that principles, values, reason, and intuition prevail.  At their core, these people are predisposed towards inquiry and are unusually open to considering things that may be inconsistent with what they already know or believe.  Their search for the truth is coupled with a personal commitment to doing what’s right for all involved.  They experience themselves as fully connected to the world around them, not separate from it — they and the system are made of one whole cloth, even though this experience is far too complex to explain.  They take responsibility for dramatically expanding their own and others’ energy, vitality, and creativity.  This almost always results in the achievement of escape velocity and breaking free from the limiting effects of culture and fixed beliefs.

When planning to take on something thought to be impossible, a person has to instinctively appreciate something greater than the sum of its parts.  It can’t be understood through linear, measurement-based analysis.  The whole is too complex, with too many elements, relationships, blockages, and co-workers’ and colleagues’ self-held limitations.  You just can’t get to the essence of what’s really going on and make sense of the whole with linear and convergent approaches.

In observing and working with leaders and groups who have achieved escape velocity, it is clear that they created a “new whole” that’s greater than the sum of the parts, and that connects deeply and personally with everyone involved.  They achieved unfathomable leaps in cohesion, energy, and accomplishment.  Gradually but dependably, new leaders emerged who were focused on betterment of the whole system.  From this place, fresh opportunities appeared for invention, co-invention, and innovation, far beyond what was imaginable from a linear baseline.

We often fail to recognize that our methods of analysis are based on created thought-frameworks that derive from the linear, convergent nature of analysis in the first place.  We are tricked by our own mind’s need to see things in ordered and sensible ways.  As John Stewart(3) writes, “Abstract/ rational thinking is largely incapable of representing complex patterns and processes, transforming systems, emergence and complex relationships.”  So much more is available by seeing things from the perspective of the whole than from the perspectives reached by studying one or more of the parts, which are always influenced by our roles, beliefs, commercial imperatives, personal histories, skill sets, and political interests.

Essential Elements for Breaking Free and Bringing the Overview Effect Down to Earth

We consider four basic elements essential to Breaking Free.  These elements do not necessarily happen one at a time or in a particular order.  All are necessary to enable individuals and organizations to bring the Overview Effect Down to Earth.  All are necessary to provide life and work with a transcendent, empowering and noble context for solving problems, unleashing creativity, and bringing forth unusually effective ways to operate businesses, governments, educational systems and other public services.  These elements are:
Cognitive Dissonance
Energetic Awareness
Escape Velocity
Collective Intelligence

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