Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

26 min read

An honor of a lifetime, I excitedly agreed to work with Ben Croft, President of WBECS (World Business Executive Coaching Summit), to enable executive coaches globally to become certified in my work, and to become representatives of C-IQ globally.

Our program was to launch January 18th 2016, and on December 24th, 2015 Ben, who had hand-picked me for this honor, found himself sick, sleepless, and shocked that his ‘bet on the right horse’ might now become the nightmare of a life time. Ben had good instincts and picked me out of a crowd, yet nothing showed up to warn him (or me for that matter), that this was part of our shared journey ahead.

My diagnosis stunned us all, and as I found my health failing we all began to wake up to the possibility that if the chemo didn’t work, the year-long program I’d signed up to do with Ben and his whole team – with outreach to 12,500 coaches globally – could fall apart over night. Ben invested in this program with his heart, soul and pocketbook. With the uncertainty of my future – our relationship was now filled with confusion.

Eleven months of webinars, reaching almost 1,000 coaches globally needed to be sustained by me (and my team) – and yet every two weeks, chemo was to be shot into my body over a multi-day period, which would render me at times too sick to talk, too sick to teach, and too sick to think.

We had a backup plan that went into full gear immediately … if I were to die, the program would be lost – unless we taped all our sessions while I was still alive – giving us a way to create the experience of ‘life’ the best we could.

Miracles do happen – and I didn’t die. In fact, the opposite became a new way of life. Chemo was disorienting, and cancer was defiant, yet my healthy attitude and will to live became bigger every day. I didn’t feel alone. I didn’t feel rejected, fearful, or sad. In fact the opposite took over my body, mind and soul. I felt alive. More alive and more connected than I had felt in my whole life – WHY?

Being transparent about my health was a big step for me. I had to let people know what was going on. And I had to let the 1,000 coaches who signed up to study with me know what I was going through. No, I don’t mean all the details. I mean I wanted them to know my diagnosis, and I wanted to share the updates to let them know how I was getting better. I knew, in my heart of hearts I would not die, but I didn’t yet know why.

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