Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

26 min read

Within my first two sessions of sharing, a movement began. Imagine, almost 1,000 coaches signed up to work with me! Imagine, I wanted to do my sessions live, not taped – which meant that somewhere in my body there was pre-cognitive insight that the right forces were surrounding me, yet I didn’t know more than that.

Imagine, I didn’t cognitively know how the chemo would work, or if I had the stamina to show up for each and every session. Yet, when I was on the calls I felt alive, engaging with coaches who wanted me to heal. Their aspirations became realities as people around the globe started prayer circles to move energy of the universe to my little frail body. While chemo robbed me of my body weight — being less than 110 lbs. and 5’7” tall gave me a body like a resident of Auschwitz, prayers helped drive the cancer out of me, making room for the healing energy my body learned to thrive on.

When I started chemo, my cancer markers were 579, which is high, given normal and healthy people are in the range of 0-33. I was on the extreme side with cancer owning my body and feeling no remorse. Yet by the third chemo session we saw my cancer markers take a deep dive — from 579 to 144, and then to 77, to 44. No one could believe it. My doctors called it a miracle; the staff called it a miracle. After eight chemo rounds my markers have dropped to 17 – about as normal as anyone can get.

My tumor originally was 4.4 cm and wrapping itself around the veins and arteries in my pancreas. There was no way I could live unless the tumor disappeared. “It is too dangerous to do surgery,” my doctor said, so chemo was my pathway to life. With all angels and energies on my side, I leaned that after the last chemo and a new scan, my tumor was not only smaller, it was ‘gone’!

Miracles do happen! My cancer is gone. More than all gone – it is not visible to scans and the tumor has disappeared. Why is this so unusual? Because most patients go for years of chemo and still are not cured from Pancreatic Cancer – or they die within the first few months because the Pancreatic Cancer has found ways to throw cells into different parts of the body, which then spread the cancer through the body, weaken the immune systems – and poof! Lights out.

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