Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

Miracles Do Happen! The DNA of Healthy Conversations

26 min read

My doctor calls what happened to me a miracle. The only medicine that’s changed over the course of the past five months is the love and prayers that came from my coaching team globally. Early in my chemo, one coach suggested that everyone on the call would pray every morning at 9 AM in their country – and they did. And at the start of every Webinar – my coaching team wanted an update, and each call was one miracle after another – tumor shrinking, tumor disappearing!

Triple prayers are even more powerful, so I am learning. Spiritual friend Jan Goldstoff enlisted the help of spiritual healers around the globe, and my daughter enlisted our friends, and family and friends of family! I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat when I think about how every moment matters, how over the past five months every conversation, every commitment was to bring energy of healing to me. Every moment was full of guardian angels working behind the scenes in ‘not allowing’ the cancer to take me down – and allowing me to be open to the most pure, and beautiful energy of the earth – the energy of love healing.

It All Started With a Conversation

Today I am, knock on wood, cancer free. Moreover, I am of a healthy mind, and wiser about the relationship between healthy cells and healthy organizations. Some of my insights came from my research into the neuroscience of conversations, and some came from a conversation with my husband during the last phase of my chemotherapy in 2001, where cancer first appeared in the form of a lump in my breast.

It began like this …. One morning at 5 am, I could not sleep and found my husband awake and up, at his computer. “I’ve been dreaming,” I said, “about the nature of healthy companies and toxic ones and I want to talk about it with you. Tell me what you are learning about cancer, and I’ll share what I’m learning about healthy companies—let’s see what’s at the intersection of what you know and I know.”

As a life-long student of conversations, I know that not every conversation is alike, and I’ve discovered there are three levels – each has its’ own unique dynamics. Many conversations are what I call Level 1: Transactional: these conversations confirm what you already know. They consist of a lot of telling, a little asking, and low levels of listening for what is new. Other conversations are Level 2: Positional: they are selling what you know and defending what you know. Your mind is not open to influence; rather you converse to ensure your voice is heard and followed.

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