what we perceive externally passes through the “foe, food or fondle” test, it then travels through the minefield of emotional triggers before it can be processed logically. These triggers increase as humans culturally progress since what we perceive we need to survive becomes more complex.
“Triggering an emotion” means a host of neural, biochemical and hormonal actions are initiated by the brain based on what our brain perceives we emotionally need to be happy in a particular situation. In this context, needs are defined as unmet hopes, expectations and attachments. We hoped for, expected or believed we deserved to receive one of the following items in a specific situation:
Needs/Emotional Triggers
acceptance respect
to be liked achievement
praise to be understood
to understand appreciation
to be needed to be in control
to be right to be valued
to be treated fairly comfort
freedom peacefulness
balance consistency
attention adventure
love to make a difference
to feel worthwhile to be heard
to explore to nurture
to be safe to win
Some of these needs will be important to you. Others will hold no emotional charge for you. Take a moment to identify your top five triggers, meaning that a cascade of neural and biochemical events affect your body when:
1. you perceive that you may not get this need met,
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