Home Research Coaching Surveys Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

Aha! Moments: Reasons for Emergence and Their Implications in Improving the Efficacy of Coaching

13 min read


• Listeningly deeply

• Powerful questioning to reflect on.

• Deep Listening

• Being non-judgmental

• Powerful listening

• Use of power tools to change perspectives

• Use of visualization.

• Accountability

• Powerful questions that challenge perspectives.

• Help people look deep within and let go of their self-sabotage

• Being able to establish the pattern of what isn’t working for the client and brainstorm new ways to break the pattern.

• Our focus is on following the energy and asking what wants to happen.

• The non-judgmental space created for self-discovery

• Allowance for insights

• Non judgmental attitude

• Powerful questions

• Accountability and acknowledgement

• Clarification of the goal has also been important.

• Gaining a belief in themselves

• Powerful questioning & good listening

• Having crystal clarity about what they actually want – a very clear goal

• Feeling supported and not being alone in their journey.

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