Home Tools and Applications Career Coaching Looking for Work Abroad? 10 Steps to Conquer the Expat Job Search

Looking for Work Abroad? 10 Steps to Conquer the Expat Job Search

6 min read

4. Target and Market your Resume

The first half of the first page of your resume needs to reflect your skills and experience that are stipulated in the job specification. Include any industry-related qualifications that give you the edge over your competition. Show that you hold skills of impact, such as cross-cultural communication skills.

Your brand or elevator pitch and contact details should appear on the first page of the first half of your resume. Use a neutral email address such as Gmail rather than one showing your country of origin to avoid complications in the minds of recruiters. Search the host country to identify their standard on how to present your employment experience and determine if that country is using British or American English.

5. Tap into your Network (Online and Offline)

Networking is the art of connecting with people and cultivating strong relationships. Devise job search campaigns by accessing your database of personal and professional contacts and letting them know you’re in the market for a new job in your host (or target) country. Connect with people on professional sites such as LinkedIn and social sites such as Facebook. Ask each of your contacts to introduce you to two people who will be able to help or lead you in the form of contacts/referrals, ideas, potential job opportunities, etc.

Attending networking events related to your target industry is also helpful. For example, you might want a career in the fashion industry, so you will want to attend fashion shows and related events, as this will improve your chances of connecting with people in the know. Spread the word that you’re on the lookout for a new job opportunity; even speak to people outside your industry.

6. Connect with Key People in your Future Country

Use social groups such Meetup.com, InterNations.org (both are free to join) and other expat groups to connect with people in your future host country who can give you advice on recruitment and job placements or provide you with a list of recruitment agencies you can connect with in preparation for your move abroad. Also connect with members for friendship and join groups or activities that are of interest to you, such as a salsa dance group.

Following people or groups on LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. in your host country and contributing to forums or discussions will also lead to strong connections. The art of blogging and posting is another useful tool in your job search and should not be taken lightly. Blog on sites relevant to your field — for example, if you’re a financial consultant, you could blog about the services you offer and other useful financial information that people might need in your host country. This will increase your visibility to future employers and people in the related industry.

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