Home Tools and Applications Career Coaching Accelerate Your Career GPS Into Top Gear

Accelerate Your Career GPS Into Top Gear

8 min read

• Be realistic. You still need to foot the bills such as, rent, transport, food, etc. I recommend creating a budget, eliminate items of luxury, sell unwanted items and find ways of saving money (such as cycling to work instead of using your car or public transport). Hold onto your current job while completing your qualification and executing the rest of your plan.

• Your current job might not hold the best of working conditions or maybe you hate your boss but try engaging in your work. By focusing on doing a good job and on the possibilities of success, you will spend less energy and time on reasons for not liking your job.

• Adjust your attitude and you will create the space to improve your current work situation (your boss might end up being good to you and treating you with the respect you deserve).

• Once you are a certified social media consultant, I recommend getting a part time job in your field while remain in full time employment with your current employer.

• Start building your reputation as an expert in your field and after you’ve reached this status, you can negotiate part time hours at work until you are fully financially functional to offer your services on a full time scale.

• Surround yourself with a positive circle of influence; needless to say avoid those who will throw cold water on your dreams.

Don’t bail out on your talents, dreams and passions because you have to hold down a job to pay the bills. There are always options and ways of elevating to the top of career Everest; it depends on how you choose to embrace your options.


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One Comment

  1. Mei Sung

    March 31, 2014 at 5:50 am

    Thank you for such a great article. It is gentle reminder to many of us who are frustrated in our careers that we hold that power to remove this frustration and allow our lights to shine bright!


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