Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Legacy Leadership: The World Talk Radio Interview with Jeannine Sandstrom and Lee Smith

Legacy Leadership: The World Talk Radio Interview with Jeannine Sandstrom and Lee Smith

40 min read

Brenda:  Haven’t gotten to the cruise yet. This is a wonderful time because maybe Lee and Jeannine have an idea of being on a cruise, too.  We can all go together. Thank you Carollyne.  I’d like to take this opportunity to really say how delighted we are to have the masters, the authors, the designers of this model, Dr. Lee Smith, Dr. Jeannine Sandstrom.  Can you take a couple of minutes to introduce yourselves to us, Lee and Jeannine?

Jeannine Sandstrom: Thanks Brenda. We have some similar stories to the way that you and Carollyne shared meeting. We didn’t plan to meet. We weren’t intentionally looking for a business partner. We certainly weren’t looking to take on the challenge of building out a leadership model that has global implications now.  We were just doing our thing.  Both of us were in the North Dallas, Texas area and had very successful leadership development, executive coaching practices.  We were having – in fact in the early ‘90s we shared the same coach and it was our coach that kept having a hunch that said, “You two need to meet.  You two need to meet.”  Well in North Dallas there is a mister Dr. Lee Smith. All of the time, I assumed this individual I was supposed to meet was a man.

Somewhere in the – oh I think it was about ’94 both Lee and I were attending a post-masters convention in Dallas/Ft. Worth and ended up in a break out session together and some nice looking lady stood up in front of me, introduced herself as Dr. Lee Smith and said she was an executive coach and you could have heard my jaw hit the floor.  I got to laughing right in the middle of the session and almost disrupted the session.  Of course, it’s so annoying. “What’s this crazy red-head woman doing sitting here laughing?”  At the end of the session I tapped Lee on the shoulder and said, “So who’s your coach?”  When we recognized that it was the same coach as you guys said the rest was history.

Brenda: Lee.  Thank you,  Jeannine.  Lee?

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