Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Ten Trends Driving Organizational Coaching

Ten Trends Driving Organizational Coaching

45 min read

5. Coaching cultures gain traction

Increasingly, organizations talk about the need to “create a coaching culture.” Why? Because coaching cultures make good business sense. Coaching leads to higher employee engagement levels. Higher engagement levels increase retention, productivity, and profits. According to research from The Conference Board:

* 60% of surveyed organizations report that their managers/ leaders leverage coaching skills to help improve employee engagement.

* 60% of employees in organizations with strong coaching cultures see themselves as highly engaged, vs. 48% of employees in all other organizations.

* 63% of organizations with strong coaching cultures reported higher revenue growth than their industry peer group in 2014, compared to 45% of all other organizations.

Of course, an organization can always claim to have a coaching culture without fully understanding the term. One long-time coach was told upon joining a name-brand firm that she would have a relationship coach, career coach, and mentor coach as part of her onboarding process. Soon, she discovered that these “coaches” saw their jobs as answering questions and explaining how things are done around here. Likewise, a young manager tells of emailing a report that he had written to his boss, and getting back a heavily redlined version under the subject line: Coaching Tips.

Among respondents to the ICF/HCI Building a Coaching Culture survey, only 13% reported having a strong one. Building a coaching culture takes time, commitment, and an internal champion who understands what coaching is – and is not.

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  1. Rey Carr

    December 27, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    With the increasing use of polls and surveys by different coaching groups or independent survey firms, it has become more difficult to integrate the different findings into a coherent picture.

    Carol Goldsmith integrates the results from different surveys/interviews brilliantly in this article; and for those with a short attention span, she’s even included the top 10 in an executive summary.

    Most of the organizations that conduct coaching surveys do not point out the limitations of their instrument or data collection procedures. However, when such surveys are combined, as they are in this article, the resulting data can be more credible.


    • Carol Goldsmith

      January 2, 2017 at 10:33 pm

      Thank you for the kind comment, Rey. Glad you found the article to be useful.
      Be your best, Carol

      Carol Goldsmith, PCC, NLPT
      The Discovery Coach


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