Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Ten Trends Driving Organizational Coaching

Ten Trends Driving Organizational Coaching

45 min read

Ternio (like Uber) leverages our modern desire for instant gratification by providing a coach on demand. Users can choose a coach from a database of bios, click to connect, and pay for the session via the credit card on file.

And then there’s the evolving realm of neuroscience and coaching. Dr. Dario Nardi, a neuroscientist and neuro-technology pioneer who teaches at UCLA, uses imaging technology to conduct brain-based assessments. Picture a client who is wearing a wireless headset doing random tasks while a computer records his or her brain functions through an EEG. The data is then uploaded to a cloud website, and a report is generated that offers the client customized coaching suggestions to improve performance.

Writing in HR magazine, Dr. Nardi explains that “like the mobile app Shazam, which can rapidly identify just about any song, brain imaging is coming to the fore to deliver similar magic for identifying our skills and personality traits. Its growing use in work and educational institutions will be facilitated by sophisticated wireless, consumer-friendly technologies.”

Virtual reality (VR) could be the next frontier in coaching. Game enthusiasts have long been wearing VR goggles to experience all kinds of virtual adventures. A CoachTech panelist invited the audience to imagine the motivational and behavioral impact of having coaching clients use VR technology to see, hear, feel, and fully experience themselves accomplishing a big stretch goal in advance of taking action. As product development costs continue to drop, many experts believe that VR will soon bring the client’s future into the now.

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  1. Rey Carr

    December 27, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    With the increasing use of polls and surveys by different coaching groups or independent survey firms, it has become more difficult to integrate the different findings into a coherent picture.

    Carol Goldsmith integrates the results from different surveys/interviews brilliantly in this article; and for those with a short attention span, she’s even included the top 10 in an executive summary.

    Most of the organizations that conduct coaching surveys do not point out the limitations of their instrument or data collection procedures. However, when such surveys are combined, as they are in this article, the resulting data can be more credible.


    • Carol Goldsmith

      January 2, 2017 at 10:33 pm

      Thank you for the kind comment, Rey. Glad you found the article to be useful.
      Be your best, Carol

      Carol Goldsmith, PCC, NLPT
      The Discovery Coach


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