Home Concepts Schools of Coaching Appreciative Positive Psychology Can Maximize Your Impact, Performance and Help You Flourish in Work and Life

Positive Psychology Can Maximize Your Impact, Performance and Help You Flourish in Work and Life

26 min read

Promoting Performance Wellbeing, Leadership and Organizational Growth


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Leaders are stressed. Their families are affected by it. This is interfering with both their business and personal lives. Low morale, modest engagement and uncertain performance are increasingly becoming the norm.

With anxieties about work overload, burnout, stagnant wages and future job loss, these challenges create significant employee disconnect and anxiety among the work culture.

This leads to a number of issues for the company. Today’s organizations need leaders to be highly innovative and motivated to do their best work.  But how can a company depend on leaders to collaborate and generate high quality products and solutions apart from emotional, psychological and physical wellBEING?

What impact are these stressors having on the day-to-day lives of people in the workplace and the company’s bottom line? What role do concepts of positive psychology have in helping people to not only effectively handle these issues but open their hearts and minds to move forward with newfound confidence, resilience, determination, hope and vision for a better future? How can workers and their organizations create a more positive and proactive workplace that bridges economic and human goals? What will give employees satisfaction?

The purpose of this paper is to examine these issues through the application of applied positive psychology and positive organizational behavior, to urge employers to embrace the reality that they are being impacted by lack of workplace wellBEING literacy, and to define why applied positive psychology is needed in today’s workplace.

Workers of All Career Levels and Generations Place High Value on Compensation and Benefit Related Factors When Determining Job Satisfaction, But Non-Financial Factors Also Weigh Heavily in Workers’ Satisfaction with Their Jobs. Source: Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement (SHRM, 2016)

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