Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Leadership Spectrum: II. Blended Perspectives and Practices

The Leadership Spectrum: II. Blended Perspectives and Practices

31 min read

For the Verdant Green leader and member of an organization, the major source of joy is gaining insight about a relationship or a human development process. Enneagram Five tends to align with this Verdant Green orientation—these people are often quietly observant and careful in the way they care for other people. They want to be helpful—but would like to know how best to deliver this assistance. The Verdant Green human service practitioners often chose among strategies and practices that are based in evidence (especially if they reside toward the Golden Yellow end of the Verdant Green spectrum). Energy often is associated with an abundance of options (the verdant nature of Green).

Those with the Verdant Green orientation want to keep the options open [MBTI: perceiving]—that’s why they often thrive as career counsellors and advocates for us finding our “bliss” (especially if they reside at the Azure Blue end of the Verdant Green spectrum). This preference for a verdant perspective is evident in the focus of attention for those with this orientation: they are aligned with David Kolb’s divergent view of the world.

This divergence is manifest in a desire to look at the world and one’s place in this world from multiple perspectives and in the Verdant Green’s enjoyment of a wide variety of relationships. Cross-cultural experiences are a source of great excitement rather than dread and there is often wide-ranging interest in books, music, theater and any other venue that offers something new and different regarding the human condition (enneagram: five)

This interest in diversity leads to the major strength offered by those with a Verdant Green orientation. They enjoy (and are often skillful) in building a rich, compelling model of the culture in which they are operating (inside their organization) and in which their organization is operating. The primary challenge for those with a Verdant Green orientation occurs when they are asked to be less “sensitive” and more concerned with the bottom line (a concern often voiced by a Ruby Red). The primary threat in their life is associated with the fear of losing their freedom (enneagram: Five). They worry that the options are closing for them. The nightmare is that they will be forced to accept a tunnel vision of the world (the preference of an extreme Ruby Red).

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